Care Is Our Greatest Currency

I've been thoughtful about what it means to nurture ourselves and others in these times of complete uncertainty, despair and grief while we are facing collectively the pain of separation that we have created from the ground. Deep down we just want to be loved, be seen, be heard, and be held in a way that calms our souls - we want to be at peace.

What if we are not the survival of the fittest but the survival of the nurtured?

Humanity's limbs and backbone are laced with bitter misery a clinging or aversion to everything, an absolute desire to race to death but no will to face it. We paint ourselves with so many stories of success, adorn ourselves with scriptures, ideas, philosophies, and offer a perfectly crafted projection of ourselves to the world. We dwell in blind devotion and growth, emotional games, commercial spirituality, and rely on our intellectual understanding of things to ease our discomfort of not truly understanding the deep nature of ourselves and our existence here on ground as the sweet humans that we are.

By some cosmic redirection, I arrived here on this island almost 2 1/2 years show up for myself, to find and make a home inside this body. And I began to dissect, dissolve, disintegrate, to pick apart the stitching, pry apart my ribs, and pull out the stuffing of my mind, heart and belly and really, truly, deeply love myself in ALL of it – to deeply care. And the word home and belonging changed for me forever.

I sat with my ancestors and the cities in my bones, I knocked down doors to blotted rooms and quietly walked through shadowed hallways and found myself in the catacombs of yesterday's memories and tomorrow's futures. It was brutal and beautiful and still - it IS brutal and beautiful.

You must allow yourself to outgrow and depart from certain eras of your life with a gentle sort of ruthlessness.

I wanted to run screaming at times when life dragged me across alien landscapes, pleading to go home...and the voice deep down in my belly just answered, laughing... “You are home.” Every time it felt like I needed a thicker skin to survive I shed a layer instead. You need to disintegrate in order to rebuild.

Act from love and care, start with love and care for yourself then extend outwards and you need no defense.

You are the medicine.

Be gentle
Rest often

I love when we talk for hours and hours about absolutely nothing. Touch is for sure our first language and care is our greatest currency in these times.

Is there something you need?


Slow Down — No More Time To Waste


An Ode to Chaos