Dearly Beloved,

Let me start by saying this: I’m so glad you’re here.

Endless gratitude, and so much love from me to you.

Pour yourself a cup of tea or some delicious other, light a candle, or incense, or both. Take your shoes off and stay awhile.

Or just take a deep breath and slooo-oow down. Because all of you is invited here, allowed here, welcome and wanted in this space.

I hope I get to talk to you, and exchange emails. I hope we have a zoom call and then hug when we finally meet in person. I hope I get to share Her Wild Wisdom and Medicine with you and learn more about how beautiful humanity is just by sitting near you. If we’re going to do that, and I think we should, you probably want to know a bit more about me. As such, I’ve created a little introduction for you to get to know me a bit better. Here it goes:

  • If someone drew a Venn diagram with “divinity” written in one circle and “humanity” in the other circle, I would point to the overlapping part in the center and say, “That! I’m in love with THAT. Can we sit there, please?”

  • For almost two decades have I dedicated my life to how to find and sit in that glorious Venn diagram place I mentioned above which led me on a non-linear journey of remembrance and Wild Wisdomthe Beauty Way.

  • I have gathered many tools and keys to unlock my consciousness, spirit, and the Wisdom of my body on this journey that I have no choice but to share with you.

  • Indigenous people of this planet sang their songs in my dreams to call me home. They laid the strongest Spirit & Master Plant Healers upon my hands and shared an ancient prophecy “When the glaciers start melting, it’s time to share the Medicine.”

  • I’m a daughter, sister, auntie, lover, poet, dancer, animal-whisperer, birth & death doula, alchemist, trauma-informed somatic & systemic Family Constellation therapist, tantric body-worker & sex witch, sacred Medicine carrier — and so very human.

  • I’m also a woman living simply on an island in Denmark where I spend my days in silence and in the company of nature, wild waters and starlight. I have no choice than to live with the seasons and the wild cyclic wisdom of this body — getting informed by the elements daily. I can’t imagine to live in another way!!

  • I believe we are being invited to return to the fluency and softness that we were born with. I believe that a language of Wild Wisdom exists in our bodies. I believe part of my work is to help us reclaim it. I believe another part of my work is to help us translate, express it and live it fully and uncompromisingly on this beautiful planet.

  • I’m a Capricorn Sun with a Pisces Rising, Cancer Moon, and Lilith in Scorpio. A.K.A. I am very of this world, a grounded, steady, salt-of-the-earth goat, as well as not of this world — a mystical, deeply and wildly devotional, sensual, creative, watery being. Long story short, I’m like the Ocean that refuses to stop kissing the shoreline — and there’s something about it that feels like relief to me.

  • I howl to the moon often.

  • I’m kind of ordinary, compared to some of the amazing people I keep meeting. I’m just as much in the learning as anyone else, wandering as best I can toward the more beautiful world my heart knows is possible.

  • I love myself.

  • I love you too.

    I know that’s a bit weird because we don’t even know each other yet, but it’s true. Based on the sheer fact that you’re alive, I know you sit at the center of that Venn diagram, therefore, I love you.

There is so much more, but I’m gonna pause here. Because how can I keep going when there’s so much beauty sitting here in front of me?

Now . . . tell me, my love, who are YOU? There is nothing I would love more than to know you.


With so much warmth you can barely believe it,

