Beauty = Be-You-ty

Beauty = Be YOU ty

I am humbled by the beauty that is unfolding by just being fully, utterly, uncompromisingly ME — to be born as the sweetness of womanness – ALL woman-mess included. Who thought it was a mess in the first place? I don't know when exactly the dark turned from terrible to delicious, the pain into pleasure, the grief into joy. All these stories of the past and future, dreams and desires that left me twisted and sweet, so endlessly sweet, are landing on its earthen floor in this endless dance of catch and kiss with my own breath. The sweetest nectar is right here to be found as SHE hymns her name on my lips (all of them) from before the breath of time.

I don't discern between the sensual and the spiritual. I discern between love and non-love. This is all I have to know. What a joy this life is. Choose Love, over and over, and over again. Bite into the plum your teeth hit the stone. It's like that. I want to feel you like that, taste life like that. There is nowhere to hide, as SHE is calling us home. NOW HERE, there never was a nowhere in the first place.

How much Be-YOU-ty can we take without grasping, pushing or pulling?


Woman ~ is a consciousness ~ a hue ~ a vibration ~ a sound ~ a language ~ a call into the unknown


Slow Down — No More Time To Waste