This is a deep invitation and vibrant offering to awaken the Medicine within and to live life in a radically different way, as you remember why you were born.

In the midst of uncertainty, large and small, let this serve as a place to tap into true connection, communion, and belonging. First and foremost with Yourself.

This work is a response to the increasingly urgent wake-up calls of our bodies and our planet, beckoning us to the many ways we have been conditioned to function against our Nature, and leads us back to what is REAL and ESSENTIAL to Life. Love and Truth.

I invite you to question everything in all areas of your life and replace it with the choice and willingness to find deeper Truth in yourself.

Let this serve as the place you come to reclaim, and tend to, the kind of fluency and softness you were born with.

Together we explore sensations through the body, and bring back raw intimate presence with all that Is. In the pace and through the Wild Wisdom of Nature.

Welcome to a space and a time dedicated to YOU. To finding and stepping into your aliveness, to the re-membrance and re-creation of self — your True Nature.

If you are the base material, consider this to be the alchemical container, a space for your transmutation.

I meet your humanity with the depths of my own.

What makes you YOU is utterly unique — there is no one and no thing like it!

If you are looking for a space in which to be witnessed and held in the uniqueness of your individual human expression, you’re in the right place.

I do hope you’ll join me.


Delve Deeper

The Aim Of This Work Is

… to return you to a fluency of self — to a place where you not only understand the language of your aliveness, but feel it pulsing through your fingertips… and to have someone walking beside you — witnessing you, mirroring you and anchoring you in the potency of that place.

I invite you to the edge of yourself. Is this serious work? Yes. Do we always take it, or ourselves within it, seriously? No. Laughter is holy. We engage in it with our full-bellies and hearts.

Join me in a forgetting of our intellectual self so as to Remember — so as to tune more deeply into the layers and nuances of who and what we really are — and Relearn all ‘the old ways’. I can’t wait to meet and re-meet YOU… Returning home.


Words Of Beautiful Beings

“How did she manage to break me open and hold me together at the very same time? I am proud and surprised of our walk and dance with the medicine. She has seen the inside of me, my darkest waters no human has done this before. Mira guided me with no need to control the direction and welcoming everything with so much patience and softness. I am forever grateful and my life has moved in a new direction since we’ve met.”

Liv, Sweden

“Love is the only word comes to mind when I think what to write about Mira. Unconditional Love and enormous powers. Many times when fear crept into my thoughts I needed one look towards her, seeing all of us connected to her in energetic “rivers” protected.

I’m super lucky that all aligned for me to earn this time with her. Earlier, in our Zoom Sessions she said the thing that left me wondering “Am I that transparent? How did she know?” Her gift to see people as they are, their longings and their true needs made it more personal and allowed me to open up and reach deeper into my being.

I can’t say it enough endless gratitude for this profound experience. I am a lot better me and getting better day by day.”

Albert, Isreal

“I really appreciated the safe space that Mira opened as well as the beautiful souls who participated. There was a collective energy of exploration and growth, and it inspired me to take all the steps to the next level. And... moving to her music mixes & Movement Medicine was a pretty amazing way to start the mornings.”…

Sarah, UK

“If you are looking for a savior, you are in the wrong place. She is the place where we expect to listen, but end up doing the talking. She is a safe haven from which to be challenged and take full responsibility in the most loving way. She will ask you to consider why you feel compelled to make certain choices and how it could all turn out differently if you just thought about it another way. She is intensity blended with compassion and lots of humour. She will inspire you, and she will witness in awe as you draw the answers you seek from yourself.”

Toni, Germany

“It’s hard to write a review that can actually describe the significance of Mira’s work, which is clearly just an extension of who she is. Mira is a medicine woman by heart, which means she has a certain innocence, dedication, integrity, and natural reverence that is still very rare… to work with her has been one of the greatest gifts in my life... for many small reasons, that I didn’t notice so much when all has still been seeds in my setting, so to say. I could say one of the many fruits for me is the deeper unveiling of an inner intelligence compass that is guiding me in relationships, in healing work and in what it really means to grow into manhood. I can only always say, that anyone who is choosing to work with Mira, is in very, very good hands.”…

Frederik, Denmark

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